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Midnight Parade / Participatory Project, Video / 2010
자정, 한 사람이 옥상에서 공지를 올린다. 온라인 커뮤니티에서 공지를 확인한 사람들이 옥상에 모여들고, 사람들은 잠든 도시에서 함께 밤새 시간을 보내기로 한다. 이 작품은 기성세대가 정의한 세대론이 한국 사회에 영향을 미치던 2010년, 온라인 커뮤니티 ‘세대독립클럽’에서 진행한 프로그램의 기록이다. 퍼레이드의 참가자들에게는 88만원의 돈이 1/N로 지급되었다.
At midnight, a wanderer goes up to the rooftop. The wander sends an online announcement. People who have seen the announcement gather together and decide to spend extraordinary time in the night when the city is inactive. They wander around the parts of city where popular nightlife venues are and shine light to each other. The above works are online/offline program conducted by 'Generation Independence Club' in 2010. The '880,000 won generation' was a limited term that defines young Korean generation by economic aspect who seek their own identities and entertainment. 880,000 won were dispensed to the participants of the <Midnight Parade>. The payment was divided by the number of the participants.
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