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M.T / Participatory Project / 28min / 2011

'허물고 새로 지어질 철거예정지'에서 열리는 M.T.
주거 공간의 열망을 갖고 있는 사람들의 참여로 이루어진 기록이다.


M.T is a documentation of performance on the general discourse of urban planning of South Korea in the present such as 'dismantle and build newly' and 'desire to residence of young generation'. Belonging to the society of distrust and slump, young generation is obliged to accept social anxiety without personal will as an unchangeable. Where and when is inherent desire for deconstruction will be captured while they are progressing their life with resigned attitude and wasting sentiment?The empty house of this project has been pull down on a small scale through online announcement and individual participating until it will be dismantled and artist records and edits them.


연출: 차지량
번역: 추명지
음악: 차지량 (딴 사막/침투/XXX)
엔딩곡: 한희정 (나의 플래시 속으로 들어온 개)
엠티: 차지량 한희정 김하림 정다운 정요한 이용묵 박장면 조대원 빠나미 베베, 망치: 김소라 권형민 정윤미 김보리 원광연 원석훈 여운규, 오함마: 김꽃, X: 김보리, 사진: 제정석 
감사1_노네임하우스 (부암동 302-1번지)
감사2_이주형 뭉뭉이




 Exhibition View 






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